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September 10, 2021

Top 10 Google Fonts for Bloggers (With Live Demo of Google’s Top 300)

If you read my post on web safe fonts, you’ll realize that there are only six truly web safe fonts (Arial, Courier New, Georgia, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, and Verdana). This is because they’re the only fonts installed on MacOS, iOS, and Windows by default.

operating system market share

Web safe fonts aren’t great options for a blog. They’re unoriginal (which makes them not very brand-able). They’re also not likely to be installed on Android (which has a huge market share). To get a truly web safe font you need to include the font file on your blog. Google fonts is free, and the easiest way to do that.

But, which Google font is the best font for a blog? Sans-serif fonts are going to be what you want, but there are so many to choose from. Because it’s too hard to choose, I’ve listed my top 45 fonts in order with the ability to demo the font right on this page.

Simply click the try font button and all of the text on this page will be converted to that font. I hope this helps you find what you’re looking for!

My 10 Favorite Google Fonts

Font Rank Font Name Try Font! Text Demo (Must Try Font To See)
1 Mukta Mahee The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
Some bold text
Some italicized text.
2 Average Sans
3 Catamaran
4 Assistant
5 Hind
6 Mada
7 Mukta Vaani
8 Varta
9 PT Sans
10 Niramit

35 Google Fonts I Also Like a Lot

Font Rank Font Name Try Font! Text Demo (Must Try Font To See)
11 Heebo
12 Karla
13 Nunito
14 Lato
15 Palanquin
16 Istok Web
17 Hind Guntur
18 Didact Gothic
19 Hind Vadodara
20 Sen
21 Questrial
22 Tajawal
23 Arimo
24 Mulish
25 Jaldi
26 Molengo
27 Mako
28 Mukta
29 Asap
30 Manjari
31 Red Hat Text
32 Belleza
33 Livvic
34 Shanti
35 Athiti
36 Laila
37 Gudea
38 Sarabun
39 IBM Plex Sans Condensed
40 Maven Pro
41 Telex
42 Puritan
43 Imprima
44 Meera Inimai
45 Galdeano

272 Other Sans-Serif Google Fonts To Choose From

Font Rank Font Name Try Font! Text Demo (Must Try Font To See)
46 Roboto
47 Open Sans
48 Noto Sans JP
49 Montserrat
50 Source Sans Pro
51 Roboto Condensed
52 Poppins
53 Oswald
54 Noto Sans
55 Raleway
56 Ubuntu
57 Rubik
58 Noto Sans TC
59 Otomanopee One
60 Noto Sans KR
61 Work Sans
62 Hind Siliguri
63 Nunito Sans
64 Fira Sans
65 Nanum Gothic
66 Teko
67 Inter
68 Quicksand
69 Titillium Web
70 Barlow
71 Anton
72 Oxygen
73 PT Sans Narrow
74 Dosis
75 Josefin Sans
76 Libre Franklin
77 Padauk
78 IBM Plex Sans
79 Cabin
80 Noto Sans SC
81 Encode Sans SC
82 Varela Round
83 Prompt
84 Abel
85 Fjalla One
86 Cairo
87 Barlow Condensed
88 DM Sans
89 Kanit
90 Exo 2
91 Overpass
92 Merriweather Sans
93 Noto Sans HK
94 Rajdhani
95 Hind Madurai
96 Fira Sans Condensed
97 Exo
98 Archivo Narrow
99 M PLUS Rounded 1c
100 Play
101 Manrope
102 Acme
103 Signika
104 Archivo
105 Krona One
106 Secular One
107 Alegreya Sans
108 Barlow Semi Condensed
109 Ubuntu Condensed
110 ABeeZee
111 M PLUS 1p
112 Spartan
113 Yantramanav
114 Public Sans
115 Gothic A1
116 Archivo Black
117 PT Sans Caption
118 Chakra Petch
119 Quattrocento Sans
120 Signika Negative
121 Francois One
122 Russo One
123 Jost
124 Orbitron
125 Pathway Gothic One
126 Asap Condensed
127 Red Hat Display
128 Encode Sans
129 Cuprum
130 Chivo
131 Monda
132 Saira Condensed
133 Cantarell
134 Hammersmith One
135 Sawarabi Mincho
136 Ropa Sans
137 Changa
138 News Cycle
139 Montserrat Alternates
140 Mitr
141 Fira Sans Extra Condensed
142 Philosopher
143 Advent Pro
144 Saira
145 Bai Jamjuree
146 Economica
147 BenchNine
148 Saira Semi Condensed
149 Pragati Narrow
150 Electrolize
151 Alata
152 Khand
153 Ruda
154 El Messiri
155 Actor
156 Cabin Condensed
157 Alef
158 Saira Extra Condensed
159 Tenor Sans
160 Amaranth
161 Khula
162 Paytone One
163 Jura
164 Julius Sans One
165 Viga
166 Antic
167 Kosugi Maru
168 Pontano Sans
169 Aclonica
170 Armata
171 Sarala
172 Quantico
173 Syncopate
174 Varela
175 Mandali
176 Six Caps
177 Basic
178 Days One
179 Martel Sans
180 Ramabhadra
181 Lexend Deca
182 Encode Sans Condensed
183 Reem Kufi
184 Michroma
185 Voltaire
186 Spinnaker
187 Lexend
188 Sintony
189 Alegreya Sans SC
190 Candal
191 Mukta Malar
192 Black Han Sans
193 Mallanna
194 Coda Caption
195 Krub
196 Arsenal
197 Aldrich
198 Capriola
199 Sansita
200 Rambla
201 Nobile
202 Biryani
203 Epilogue
204 Jua
205 Magra
206 KoHo
207 Pattaya
208 Miriam Libre
209 Do Hyeon
210 Amiko
211 Allerta Stencil
212 Scada
213 Carrois Gothic
214 Palanquin Dark
215 K2D
216 Darker Grotesque
217 Commissioner
218 Jockey One
219 Kosugi
220 Sora
221 Carme
222 Encode Sans Expanded
223 Alatsi
224 Rosario
225 Marmelad
226 Sunflower
227 Thasadith
228 Be Vietnam
229 Metrophobic
230 NTR
231 Kumbh Sans
232 Duru Sans
233 Cambay
234 Space Grotesk
235 Gotu
236 Convergence
237 Marvel
238 Lekton
239 Harmattan
240 Farro
241 Encode Sans Semi Condensed
242 Blinker
243 Sarpanch
244 Timmana
245 Truculenta
246 Proza Libre
247 Inder
248 RocknRoll One
249 Doppio One
250 Wendy One
251 Anaheim
252 Federo
253 Andika
254 Encode Sans Semi Expanded
255 DotGothic16
256 Stick
257 Recursive
258 Yusei Magic
259 Homenaje
260 Numans
261 Arya
262 Antonio
263 Orienta
264 Strait
265 Kufam
266 Wire One
267 Andika New Basic
268 Montserrat Subrayada
269 Denk One
270 Share Tech
271 Geo
272 Mina
273 Carrois Gothic SC
274 Cantora One
275 Notable
276 Asul
277 Chau Philomene One
278 Lexend Zetta
279 Englebert
280 Gafata
281 Tauri
282 B612
283 Pavanam
284 Trispace
285 Kulim Park
286 Kodchasank
287 Tenali Ramakrishna
288 Text Me One
289 Kite One
290 Fresca
291 Syne
292 Rationale
293 Fahkwang
294 Ruluko
295 Port Lligat Sans
296 Tomorrow
297 Sulphur Point
298 Stylish
299 Cagliostro
300 Bubbler One
301 Lexend Exa
302 Dorsa
303 Chathura
304 Rum Raisin
305 Snippet
306 Inria Sans
307 Gayathri
308 Seymour One
309 Lexend Giga
310 Gidugu
311 Black And White Picture
312 Lexend Tera
313 Lexend Peta
314 Dhurjati
315 Sawarabi Gothic
316 Rubik Mono One
317 Lexend Mega

Shaun works as a professional software developer while blogging about the creator economy (With a focus on Blogging, YouTube, and Virtual Reality).

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